Securing The Future Bit By Bit

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How to make a quadcopter using esp8266 and controlled it by your smart phone.

In this blog, I will explained you how to build esp8266 based quadcopter using Arduino Uno and controlled it by smart phone.

Components Required

1. Arduino uno
2. ESP-01/ESP-12
3. MPU6050
4. ESC(Electronic Speed Controller)
5. Brushless DC motors
6. Breadboard
7. Jumper Wires
8. Quadcopter Frame
9. FTDI or TTL

Procedure to make WIFI Quadcopter

Step1-make a connection of esp01 as given.

Step2- Open the wifippm code
         -->If you are using esp8266(esp-12) set GPIO5 pin as PPM output pin and GPIO4                pin as debug pin.
         -->If you are using esp8266(esp-01) set GPIO2 pin as PPM output pin and GPIO3                pin as debug pin.

Step3- upload the wifippm code to esp01 with the help ttl or ftdi.

Step4- After upload the code remove the Rx Tx GPIO0 and CH_pd pins.If a hotspot is              created named wifippm then everythings is alright.

            If hotspot is not created then connect Ch_pd pin to 3.3v and reset the                            esp01(means off and again on).

Step5- Now place all the components on the frame and make a connection as shown              in figure

Circuit Diagram

 Step6- open multiwii.ino firmware go to config.h and uncomment the following                   lines.
             The type of multicopter----------> #define QUADX 
             Combined IMU Boards-------------> #define GY_521 
             PPM Sum Reciver ------------------> #defineSERIAL_SUM_PPM(PITCH,ROLL,THROTTLE,YAW)      

Step7- upload the code in arduino uno board.

Step8- open the multiwii gui select the board and click the start button. Move your                   quadcopter and you can seen the reading of gyroscope and acclerometer.                 
Step9- connect your phone with wifipmm hotspot and open any browser and type          

Step10- move the joystic in browser and you can see the changes in multiwii gui.

My Github link-

Download wifi_ppm code here
Download Multiwii firmwar from here

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  1. Replies
    1. As of me i armed using setting left pad on center and the right pad on left corner it will be armed. But for me controlling becomes difficult for me please help on vontrolling if you can

    2. As of me i armed using setting left pad on center and the right pad on left corner it will be armed. But for me controlling becomes difficult for me please help on vontrolling if you can

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. what connections are being made between the arduino and esp8266(01).I'm using a nodemcu to create my wifi access point. What pins should i be using to transfere data between the nodemuc and arduino


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